

COVID-19 policy

Written July 2020

At Fire House Studios we feel it is very important to keep our staff and clients safe and at a low risk of spreading or contracting Covid-19. We have put procedures in place to help minimise the risk. We understand that things will be quite different at the studio than it has been in the past and we hope it helps to make you feel safe. It may take a little time to get used to the new procedures, which will be reviewed frequently, but if you familiarise yourself with our policy before your session it will help you feel more at ease during your visit. Please let us now if you have any questions or concerns.

Please do not visit the studio if you have any symptoms of Covid-19. Or have been in close contact with anyone who has symptoms/positive test. These are:

  • Temperature
  • New continuous cough
  • Sudden loss of taste or sense of smell

We will be cooperating with the NHS test and trace system, but data collected will be covered by our data policy

Steps we have taken to help minimise infection risk

  • Sanitiser stations throughout our studio
  • Option of contactless payments
  • Introduction of Personal exercise/dance areas which allow room for movement while staying at least 2 metres away for higher risk groups and at least 1 metre away for lower risk groups, from all other persons.
  • Use of walkways to access exercise areas, toilet and exit while remaining at least 2 metres away from all other persons for use during higher risk groups
  • Socially distanced queuing system
  • One in one out policy for use of toilet
  • Paper towels for drying hands
  • Smaller class sizes
  • Pre booking of classes to control numbers
  • Limit on numbers in the studio at any one time working on the 100 square foot per person recommendation.
  • No sharing of equipment during sessions and sanitising of equipment between sessions
  • Gaps between sessions to allow for socially distanced arrivals and departures, plus allowing time for cleaning.
  • Regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces
  • Use of antiviral cleaning products
  • Emptying of bins daily
  • Thorough clean of all the studio areas at least weekly


  • Sanitise hands before entering the studio and before leaving the studio. Plus, before and after toilet use.
  • Keep personal belongings behind the desk
  • Open doors and windows to maximise air flow and limit surfaces touched e.g. door handles.
  • Wash hands thoroughly between sessions
  • Sanitise frequently touched surfaces between sessions
  • Sanitise any equipment that has been used by clients between sessions
  • Clean and sanitise any equipment used by themselves frequently (at least daily)
  • Stick to walkways and personal exercise spaces during group sessions
  • Stand behind payment line to allow paying clients to use the desk area while socially distanced
  • Be mindful to keep at least 2 metres away from others at all times
  • Keep music to a low enough level to allow normal volume voices to be heard
  • Use a head mic during louder group lessons in order to be heard without raising voice or shouting



  • Arrive dressed for your session. Shoe change or removal of over clothes/layers can be done in your personal exercise area or designated chair only.
  • Enter by yourself and socially distanced from others
  • Use the sanitiser at the door before using the stairs
  • Queue using the socially distanced areas if others are waiting for a class
  • Move into the green cross once it is free and wait to pay/be directed to your exercise area or designated chair



  • Use the yellow corridor to move to your area (each area has a number)
  • Place belongings in your belongings box next to your exercise area

During a group exercise session;

  • Stay inside your exercise/dance area. Where ever you are, inside your area, you will be at least 2 metres distanced from others when using the white boxes and at least 1 metre distanced from others when using the blue boxes
  • If you need to use the toilet or leave the studio please use the yellow walk way so you remain socially distanced from others. When attending a lower risk class using the blue boxes as personal exercise/dance areas please distance from others when moving through the studio
  • When using the toilet there is a strict one in, one out policy, so please wait in your exercise/dance area until the toilet is free. Please use the sanitiser before entering the toilet and before re-entering the studio. Please also use the sink to wash hands.
  • Refrain from shouting or raising your voice, music will be kept low so you can be heard.
  • Use your own bottled drink.
  • You may use your own equipment but it must stay inside your personal exercise area and inside a bag at all other times

After your session has finished;

  • Please stay inside your exercise/dance area to change shoes or put on clothing layers and over clothes
  • Pack up all your belongings
  • Leave any studio equipment in your area (but remember to take your own)
  • Use the yellow corridor to move towards the exit keeping socially distanced from others who are exiting
  • Use the sanitiser before using the stairs to leave the studio. You may use the sanitisers at the door too if you wish to.


PRIVATE SESSIONS (One to one training and dance tuition)

  • Please leave belongings (including drinks) next to your designated chair
  • Be mindful to keep at least 2 metres distance between yourself and your instructor
  • If you need to use the toilet, use the sanitiser before entering the toilet and again, before returning to the studio. Also use the sink to wash hands.
  • Use your own bottled water

After your session has finished;

  • Change your shoes and add clothing layers or over clothes by your designated chair
  • Pack up all belongings before leaving your chair including bagging up your own equipment.
  • Use the sanitiser before heading down the stairs (you may also use it by the door if you wish)


Child protection policy

This policy applies to all staff, including senior managers and the board of trustees, paid staff, teachers, volunteers and
sessional workers, agency staff, students or anyone working on behalf of Fire House Dance.

The purpose of this policy is:

  • to protect children and young people who receive services from Fire House Dance. This includes the children of adults
    who use our services;
  • to provide staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to child protection;
  • Fire House Dance believes that a child or young person should never experience abuse of any kind. We have a
    responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people and to keep them safe.
    We are committed to practice in a way that protects them.

We recognise that:

  • the safe guarding of children is everyone’s responsibility;
  • the welfare of the child/young person is paramount;
  • all children, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have the
    right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse;
  • working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting
    young people’s welfare.

We will seek to keep children and young people safe by:

  • valuing them, listening to and respecting them
  • developing and implementing an effective e-safety policy and related procedures
  • recruiting staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made;
  • ensuring teachers of children hold a current DBS check and adequate qualifications
  • taking allegations of abuse seriously and responding to them appropriately

Allegations should be passed on to the appropriate agency on a need to know basis.

For advice, more information or to report an abuse allegation please contact:

  • NSPCC on tel 0808 800 5000
  • Child Social Services Bradford 01274 435400 Leeds 0113 2224403
  • The police tel 101 or in case of emergency or immediate danger 999


This behaviour code outlines the conduct expected of staff and volunteers from Fire House Dance, and staff from other
organisations who engage with children and young people through Fire House Dance and its activities.

Following this code will help to protect children from abuse and inappropriate behavior from adults and other children
It will also help staff and volunteers to maintain the standard of behavior expected of them and will reduce the possibility of unfounded
allegations of abuse being made against them.

Upholding this code of behaviour
All members of staff and volunteers are expected to report any breaches of this code to Howard Bullock under the whistle-blowing
procedure or, if necessary, under child protection procedures.

The role of staff and volunteers
When working with children and young people for Fire House Dance all staff and volunteers are acting in a position of trust.
It is important that staff and volunteers are aware that they may be seen as role models by children and young people, and must act in
an appropriate manner at all times.

When working with children and young people, it is important to:

  • operate within Fire House Dance’s principles and guidance and any specific procedures;
  • follow the Fire House Dance child protection policy and e-safety policy and procedures at all times;
  • listen to and respect children at all times;
  • avoid favouritism;
  • treat children and young people fairly and without prejudice or discrimination;
  • ensure any contact with children and young people is appropriate and in relation to the work of the project;
  • always ensure language is appropriate and not offensive or discriminatory;
  • always ensure equipment is used safely and for its intended purpose;
  • provide examples of good conduct you wish children and young people to follow;
  • challenge unacceptable behaviour and report all allegations/suspicions of abuse;
  • ensure that whenever possible, there is more than one adult present during activities with children and young people or if
    this isn’t possible, that you are within sight or hearing of other adults;
  • be close to where others are working. If a child specifically asks for or needs some private time with you, ensure other staff
    should know where you and the child are;
  • respect a young person’s right to personal privacy;
  • encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes or behaviour they do not like;
  • recognise that special caution is required when you are discussing sensitive issues with children or young people.

You must not:

  • patronise or treat children and young people as if they are silly;
  • allow allegations to go unreported;
  • develop inappropriate relationships such as contact with children and young people that is not a part of the work of Fire House Dance
  • conduct a sexual relationship with a child or young person or indulge in any form of sexual contact with a child or young person.
  • let children and young people have your personal contact details (mobile number or address);
  • make sarcastic, insensitive, derogatory or sexually suggestive comments or gestures to or in front of children and young people;
  • act in a way that can be perceived as threatening or intrusive;
  • make inappropriate promises to children and young people, particularly in relation to confidentiality;
  • jump to conclusions about others without checking facts;
  • either exaggerate or trivialise child abuse issues;
  • rely on your reputation or that of the organisation to protect you.

The role of parents and carers
Fire House Dance welcomes and encourages parental involvement. Parents and carers are regarded as valuable partners in
promoting positive behaviour and will be involved as appropriate. In the event of their child becoming the subject of behavior
sanctions, parents/carers will be informed and involved.

Confidential information will only be shared on a need to know basis. Informed consent to disclose information should be sought from
the child WHERE POSSIBLE before discussing something that has been said by them with a child protection agency. If it is not possible
and there is reasonable belief that failure to disclose would place the child at risk of harm, then information should be shared without

All suspicions of or allegations of child abuse should be reported to:

  • Howard Bullock tel 07801 365100
  • Heather Bullock tel 07814 887071
  • NSPCC Tel 0808 800 5000
  • Child Social Care tel Bradford 01274 435400 Leeds 0113 2224403


Your data

Please review our:

data consent form

which details how we process your data and allows you to give permission for various uses. If you have any questions about this, speak to Howard or Heather.


Data collection, processing and protection policy

From time to time Fire House Dance and Siren Fitness need to collect data from our clients, process it and store it. 

Data is collected in person, over the phone, via digital messaging and on www.firehousestudios.uk, which is a secure website.

Who we talk about in this policy

Data Controller is Howard Bullock and Heather Bullock for Fire House Dance and Siren Fitness.

Data Processor is Craven Digital Limited, who securely host our website and emails.

Data Subject is a client – and/or their parent/guardian if the client is under 18 – of Fire House Dance or Siren Fitness

A Client is any person attending a class/session/event with Fire House Dance or Siren Fitness and/or their parent/guardian if the client is under 18.

The key points of our policy

  • The data we collect:
    • is given voluntarily
    • is relevant and specific
    • is not sold to any third party
    • is not shared outside of Fire House Dance and Siren Fitness (with exception of social services, the emergency services or where required to by the Law, please see section below for more details)
    • is stored safely on protected digital devices and in locked filing cabinets.
    • will be destroyed after 12 months of the data subjects last attendance with either Siren Fitness or Fire House Dance with in accordance with our deletion policy.
  • The data subject (client or their parent/guardian if the client is a child) has the right to:
    • be informed about the data we collect, process and store.
    • view the data we store regarding them
    • be granted rectification of any data we store regarding them.
    • be granted erasure of any of the data we hold regarding them.
    • restrict processing of the data that is stored regarding them.

What data do we collect and how is it used?

For each client and/or parent/guardian of children we will collect NAME and CONTACT DETAILS such as phone number and email address.

We use this data to contact you about classes/sessions you attend to tell you about changes and give you information about that class/session. We may also contact you about events that you might be or are attending. We may let you know about classes/sessions/events that you might be interested in. We may also use these details to contact parents/guardians with regards to children they are responsible for.

For each client we collect the name and contact details of an emergency contact.

We use this data in case there is an emergency or situation affecting the client and their family member or other nominated person needs to be contacted on behalf of the client.

For each client we collect their age/date of birth.

We use this data to place the client in an age appropriate class/session/event for their age. We also use this data to keep our classes/sessions/events age appropriate where necessary.

For all clients we collect some health/fitness data. This could include past and present health conditions and operations, data about past and present injuries, data about pregnancies and births, data about allergies and medications.We use this data to keep our client’s health as safe possible.

We use the data to put the client into a setting that is appropriate to their fitness and health level. We use the data to advice the client not to (while at Fire House Studios or associated class/session/event) take part in any class/session/event or activity/exercise that might aggravate or worsen any health condition or injury they have. We store this data in case it is needed by the emergency services and the client cannot pass on the information themselves. This data is collected, processed and stored with the health and safety of the client in mind.

For some clients, further and more detailed health and fitness data may be collected. This is used in more specialised classes and sessions where the instructor needs to know detailed information. This may be data about the client’s current nutritional habits, lifestyle choices, physical measurements and results from fitness tests.

We use this data to keep clients safe in the more specialised classes and sessions. This data may also be used to write appropriate training programmes for clients and a way of comparing the results from retesting of fitness levels to show progressions and regressions. We use this data to be able to provide high quality and safe programmes for clients.

We also collect attendance data by using a register for each class/session or event.

We use this data in our financial accounting and as a record of who is in the building in case there is an emergency or event requiring a roll call.

For some clients we collect assessment, exam and test results. Race and timings results. Athletic test results and competition results.

This data is used to track progressions/improvements and regressions. It is used to compare with past results to help us adjust classes, sessions, programmes and events and make improvements to the service we provide.

Bank details/payment data

The only bank details we may collect, process and store are of those whom we at Fire House Dance and Siren Fitness are paying. For example (but not exhaustive); staff, rooms we hire, products we buy, services/licences/insurance we pay for. This data is received via invoices and bills. Invoices with our own details are sent out to our customers but we do not collect bank details from our customers. Invoices sent to us will be stored securely.

Data from Staff, volunteers and studio hirers

For anyone working at the studio or hiring our studio the data we collect is name, address and contact details. We also collect and process attendance details. We may also collect and store contracts and policy statements containing their details and signatures.

Data storage and removal

How is this stored?

Data that is recorded on paper is kept in a locked filing cabinet at Fire House Studios or at the home of Howard and Heather Bullock.

Data that is recorded digitally is stored through a secure website and email system (hosted by Craven Digital Limited on their servers) and using secured files on code locked devices.

Deletion Policy

Data is stored for 12 months after the client’s last attendance with Fire House Dance or Siren Fitness. Contact details and sensitive data (health and fitness data) will then be destroyed by deletion of digital files and emails and shredding of paper documents.

Is any data shared?

The data we collect, process and store is not sold to any third party. Data is not shared with anyone or any company outside of Fire House Studios or Siren Fitness. Data may be processed by Craven Digital Limited on our behalf, but the purpose is strictly restricted by our data processing agreement.

An exception may be made regarding some data in the event of it being needed by social services, the emergency services or where we are required to by law. In any of these events the data shared will be on a strict need to know basis and where ever possible with the knowledge of the data subject (client).

Who has access to stored data?

Named Instructors, teachers and volunteers who are acting directly for Siren Fitness or Fire House Dance will have access to registration information which include contact information, health and fitness information, emergency contact details and photo permission.

This data will only be accessed on a need to know basis when it is necessary for the details to be used. It will not be shared, copied, rectified or removed by these persons.

Named persons will have agreed to the Staff and Volunteer data protection policy

The named data controllers – Howard Bullock and Heather Bullock – will have access to ALL data. They will be able to rectify, remove, copy and delete this data.


Who can I contact regarding data collection, data processing and data protection?

Heather Bullock

Tel 07814 887 087



26 September 2018